
In my teens, and early 20s, I would make mixtapes for friends. I fell out of the habit when I went digital with music, and my friends were still rocking cassettes: Early mp3s sounded like garbage when transferred to tape. I've recently started making playlists, to satisfy a similar creative desire. Unless otherwise stated, I loosely apply the constraint: "The song is in my library, or if it is not already there, it should be". Without further ado…


collage of album covers, selected from the playlist

Prompt: Songs with "all" in their titles. There is a narrative order to the songs: I imagine a person moving from the end of one relationship, to the beginning of another.

Chugga Chugga

collage of album covers, selected from the playlist

Prompt: Songs whose rhythm section reminds me of a steam locomotive.

Harder They Fall

collage of album covers, selected from the playlist

In order of appearance in the film. Includes tracks missing from official soundtrack.